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Smile Makeover

Embrace Your Ideal Smile with Keep Smiling's Bespoke Smile Makeover Program



Are you dissatisfied with the appearance of your teeth and gums? Are you seeking a unique solution that caters to your specific needs and desires? A Smile Makeover at Keep Smiling could be the answer. With our personalized approach, Dr. Mendoza can help you achieve the smile of your dreams, whether you seek subtle refinement or a complete transformation.


Understanding the Smile Makeover Process


Initial Consultation: Your journey begins with an open discussion with Dr. Mendoza, where your teeth will be examined, and your concerns and desires carefully listened to. This understanding is vital in creating a bespoke program tailored just for you.


Customized Treatment Plan: Whether it's polishing small chips, fitting braces, or placing implants, your treatment plan will be designed according to what you want to see when you look in the mirror.

Beyond the 'Hollywood' Smile: We understand that not everyone desires the full ‘Hollywood’ smile. Our Smile Makeover process is about aligning the treatment with your unique needs, preserving your individuality.


What a Smile Makeover Can Address


Discolored TeethWhitening and veneers can provide a brighter, more youthful appearance.

Chipped or Broken Teeth: Innovative techniques can smooth out imperfections for a seamless smile.

Misaligned Teeth: Braces or clear aligners can straighten your teeth for an ideal alignment.

Missing Teeth: Dental implants provide a permanent, natural-looking solution.


Benefits of a Smile Makeover at Keep Smiling

Personalized Approach: Dr. Mendoza’s expertise ensures that every aspect of your Smile Makeover is tailored to your unique needs and preferences.

Comprehensive Solutions: From minor touch-ups to major restorations, Keep Smiling offers a wide range of services to achieve your ideal smile.

Boosted Confidence: A Smile Makeover can enhance your self-esteem, allowing you to smile with pride and confidence.


Aftercare and Maintenance


Follow-up Appointments: Regular check-ups will ensure that your new smile stays healthy and vibrant.

Home Care: Following Dr. Mendoza's guidelines on home care will prolong the life of your makeover.




A Smile Makeover at Keep Smiling is more than a treatment; it's a transformation guided by your desires and our professional expertise. Let us help you create the smile you've always wanted but were unsure how to achieve. Book a consultation with Dr. Mendoza today, and take the first step towards a new, beautiful you.


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